Lifestyle: Copenhagen Weekender. Part 1
Since I fell unconditionally in love with the UK in 1999, my history of travels has been....let's say it very moderate and uninspiring. In the last ten years or so I have had only two "real" holidays, namely to Iceland and to the Canary Islands, but apart from that it was either travelling around the British Isles (fun but exhausting) or flying home to Germany to see my parents (fun, stressful, exhausting) ...those visits which I don't really count as holidays. Having lived in London for seven months non stop and not having left the city ever since, a get-away was much needed. There's been far too much drama and happenings lately so it was time to pack my suitcase, leave all the drama behind and fly off to Copenhagen. I visited the Danish capital years ago and back then it was only for a day trip, so it felt refreshing to return to Copenhagen and spend more time in this beautiful city. Alex and I decided to take the late night flight on Friday after work, which ne...