Lifestyle: Blogging Events - Are They Worth It Part 2
My recent post Blogging Events - Are They Worth It? has been picked up quite well and since the events season has started with all the press days for SS16 and Christmas parties around, I had enough inspiration lately to extend my index of blogging related events. In the past few weeks I went to my first Blogger workshop, attended an overcrowded spa party, lusted over new dainty jewellery pieces and decorated my Christmas tree (yes it is already up, #becauseICan ). Warning, this is a lengthy post! Bloggeration x Penguin Workshop at the OBag Factory // North London Bloggers contribute to the community in the most diverse ways: some produce regular quality content, others run their own RT service and then you have bloggers who organise their own events. I have a lot of respect for people who work full time and write an awesome blog on the side AND can plan events. One of these extraordinary people is London and Lifestyleblogger Sarah. She has organised a couple of individual works...