Film: That Was The Movie Year 2014. My Personal End Of Year Report
The last day of 2014 has come and in the last few remaining days of the year, I managed to catch up on some films. In total, I've seen 94 in 2014 at Cineworld. Given the fact that each movie had a running time of approximately 2h, I spent around 188h (around a week and a half) at the cinema (OMG I need a life!). Anyway, you can see all of my personal high- and lowlights of 2014 in today's post. |Highlights| Begin Again: This romantic comedy stars the gorgeous Keira Knightly, Mark Ruffalo and Maroon 5 front man Adam Levine. It is a fantastic piece of an easy to watch film but at the same time, it encourages you to never give up and there's a second chance for everyone in life. Begin Again has charming characters, indie-pop music and a drama/comedy plot that you can watch over and over again. The Young And Prodigious T.S. Spivet: I can't stress it often enough how much I love this film. I've only seen it once but it has ever since stayed with me w...