Fashion Opinion: This Old Thing. My Relationship To Vintage
This week my highlight will be Vintage shopping in Birmingham . I'm quite excited and scared at the same time, because vintage in my childhood usually meant that I had to wear the old clothes from my sister. Luckily times have changed and vintage has now become fashionable. You might remember Channel 4's vintage show with the charming Dawn O'Porter. Not so long ago, she hosted a clothing show called 'This Old Thing'. In the programme she showed how to up-cycle clothes and re-use sustainable fashion for longer lasting joy of your wardrobe and how to create unique pieces that stand out from mass produced fashion garments. |Vintage Clothing: A Cultural Thing?| Like many of Dawn's candidates in the show, I'm a bit reserved about vintage. I think the biggest mental issue I have to overcome to give vintage a chance is my cultural upbringing. It is marked by the German GDR times, which has shaped most of my understanding of values and morals. During the cold war, ...